Zero Efforts Introduction
We all dislike and neglect “ZERO”. “ZERO” means “NIL” or “USELESS” in our practical understanding but the same “ZERO” means “COMPLETE” and “INFINITE” in spiritual or real understanding.
“ZERO” means “Total Completeness”…
“ZERO” means “Oneness”….
“ZERO” means “Infinity”….
“ZERO” means “Pure Potentiality”….
“ZERO” means “Eternity”….
“ZERO” means “Powerful Possibility”….
“ZERO” means “Nothingness”…..
“ZERO” means “Vast Emptiness”…..
“ZERO” means “Endless Fullness”….
“ZERO” means “Abundant Power”….
“ZERO” means “Origin of all… seed of rebirth”…
“ZERO” means “Magnificent Manifestation”…
“ZERO” means “Totality of Life”….
“ZERO” means “The time where important event is set to begin…”
“ZERO” means “The point of light where everything emerges”….
“ZERO” means “Diluting self (EGO) into Divine existence”…
“ZERO” means “State of being where 100 % CONCIOUSNESS takes place”….
But in one word “ZERO” means “Anything and everything in soul consciousness”….
Let us see ZERO from other perspective;
1. ZERO is the only number which is complete as well as starting point of positive and negative axes in mathematics.
2. ZERO is the shape where nut and bolt get tightened for safety.
3. ZERO is the space between two words as well lines on the page we write or read – without it we can’t read.
4. ZERO is a ground required to lay foundation of any tallest building.
5. ZERO is the hole in A FLUTE to create melodious music.
6. ZERO is the resting moment of heart between expansion and contraction….. and;
7. ZERO is the gap between BREATH IN and BREATH OUT - where LIFE exists and perpetuates.
ZERO is such and only wonderful dimension called EXISTENCE. And this EXISTENCE lies in PRESENT MOMENT and everything is miraculously held in this PRESENT MOMENT.
No matter what, we have that potential to BE, DO and HAVE in our life being surrendered to this EXISTENCE called PRESENT MOMENT.
This PRESENT MOMENT is so pure, powerful and empty to manifest any goals into reality without being attached to PAST (fear and anger) and FUTURE (worry and anxiety). Humbly admiring, this is “THE ONLY MOMENT” which we have in our hands and rest all is commentary. Nothing worthwhile and huge can be achieved without total emptiness of EGO and completeness of EMPATHY. We are not here on this planet to change any body as well as our selves. In fact, in deep spiritual reality, we all are one and complete in our own forms. But unfortunately we are lost in the realm of time due to so many layers of unhealthy beliefs. We will understand, experience and live this true meaning through soul awareness during our journey within. We need to constantly remind ourselves as powerful soul and not a victimized body in this materialistic world. We simply have NO OTHER WAY to BE, DO and HAVE something significant and meaningful except practicing and being ZERO.
So ZERO EFFORTS mean; “To offer all our doings with totality, purity and consciously (Being in the present moment and not in past or future) and attain a stature of EFFORTLESS EXPERT.
Being in the PRESENT is receiving the PRESENT (gift)… best & better as well as most & more….
With deep love and best wishes for your journey within………Journey of Unmanifested manifestation.
1. Accountability & Integrity
2. Synergic Relationships
3. Collaborate, Co operate & Create
4. Serving with Discipline & Excellence
5. Learning, Teaching & Making a positive Difference
6. Leadership with Purpose, Passion & Peace
Where the vision is of one year.....cultivate Flowers!
Where the vision is of ten years.....cultivate Trees!
Where the vision is of Eternity.....cultivate People!
“We will touch 1% of global population across all the continents in next 30 years by all possible ways to help people become ‘Wholesome human beings’ and ‘Competent working professionals’
We will be torch bearer in the field of ‘Spiritual evolution’ and ‘Leadership Management’ to facilitate people becoming better & better.
And in the process, we will become highly explored, elated and highly enlightened foundation across the globe”
“I commit to act as ‘NIMMIT’ (a medium responsible) to discover “A GREAT LEADER” in every human being by Awakening Purpose, Inspiring Passion& Empowering Peace on all walks of life”.

Zero PRENEUR Movement
ZERO – means - Wholesome human beings. PRENEUR - means – Competent working professional. The reference to Zero here is not Zero as ‘nothing’, but Zero as the factor that gives value to even a Trillion.
ZEROPRENEUR is a progressive realization of oneself by exploring within for expressing without. ZEROPRENEUR is a “Pathless Path” to the pinnacle destination present in each one of us but we are not aware of it.
ZEROPRENEUR is more of a state of mind and state of being with the philosophy of living Inside – Out. This Inside – Out living is Being, Doing and Having. We have forgotten our path and live Outside – Out. This Outside – Out living is Having and Doing. We have become human doing and/or human having rather than human being to make our living.
ZEROPRENEUR is an alternate educational curriculum to revisiting our ardent need of consciousness evolution in the area of “Leadership Management” and “Spiritual Development” by revitalizing our Values, Beliefs, Thoughts, Actions, Attitudes, Habits, Character and Destiny.
“Leaders are born and not created”; but they have to unlearn and relearn in the process of being competent, becoming great and having Divinity.
On exploring “Pathless Path” within, we learn to express “Self awareness, Self reliability, Self responsibility, Self control, Self discipline and Self realization.
Wishing you all to be your “Unmanifested Manifestation”.....