
A Journey from Potential to Performance

Sunil Mehta

Associate Founder & Mentor
A highly passionate Entrepreneur, having more than 30 years of experience, working for Legendary Brands & Organizations through his Creative Branding Agency and also working as a Brand Consultant to numerous organizations by value adding his expertise of creating brands through external communication & leveraging internal branding with “Spiritual Branding”.

“Spiritual Branding” is a Nature- compatible, progressive approach to all business & life situations. A philosophy that reorients business values in consonance with Universal values.

He believes that when a company has a collective vision of the Universe, the diversity of life on it and the larger society, and syncs its business vision with that vision, there results a rare synergy – financial success accompanied by social and spiritual success. This creates a company that customers (internal & external) Actually like and admire, for reasons beyond its product or service quality.

This, to him is a higher, truer form of success.

This inspired move of “Spiritual Branding”, created a win – win association by extending his mentoring with ZERO EFFORTS to benefit individuals & organizations.